The Alchemical Brush: Ithell Colquhoun's Esoteric Art
Ithell Colquhoun was a British surrealist painter, writer, and occultist born in 1906. She was known for her unique style of art that was soaked in mysticism and often depicted the complexities of our inner mental turbulence. Colquhounās work was rarely figuratively explicit, but instead illustrated the complexities of our inner mental turbulence. Her paintings were often fecund and fleshy, with prehistoric undulations.
Colquhounās work has been gaining popularity in recent years, with exhibitions being held in her honor. In 2021, an exhibition pairing her paintings with work for sale by comparable contemporary artists was held at Unit London, Song of Songs .
Amy Hale, author of the most recent Colquhoun study, Genius of the Fern Loved Gully, explains that historically surrealism has been dominated by big male personalities. Women were thought of as either muses or monsters who may have been artists on the side, but they can no longer be relegated to those roles .
Colquhounās artwork is copyrighted to the Samaritans, and mental health charities are the
partial beneficiaries of any Unit London sales .
In conclusion, Ithell Colquhoun was a fascinating artist who created unique surrealist paintings that were soaked in mysticism. Her work has been gaining popularity in recent years and is now being celebrated in exhibitions around the world.
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